A Visit to a Friend

2D platformer game

My Role

Game designer


Individual project


Visual Studio Code
Adobe Photoshop


4 weeks
(April - May 2022)

Project Overview

I've always had a passion for game design and had an opportunity to take a game arts class in my final semester of undergrad. Through this course, I learned the fundamental skills of physical and digital game-making, as well as created this 2D Unity game. ​

This game follows the protagonist, Ribbo, who goes on a whimsical adventure to visit his eccentric friend, Clucko. The storyline, game mechanics, and objectives are slowly introduced to the player as they make their way through the game.

​I used a collection of Unity Asset Store assets and original images to build the game's graphics.

Game Details

Game Demo


Game Mechanics

Game Completed

Play Game!
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